Have you been on a rollercoaster? Once the ride begins, you start climbing up to the top, and the next moment you plunge down to the very bottom, only to be hoisted right up again! There are some wild corners, absurd turns and twists, and you even get turned completely upside down a few times. While a few enjoy the ride, the majority experience fear and apprehension and wait for the ride to be over!

Life is like a rollercoaster ride. It has its ups and downs, sharp turns and unexpected moments. In life, there are things that are stable and uneven, comforting and disturbing, and you will never know what life has in store for you the next moment. But the moment you let yourself be engulfed in your fears, you are letting fear block your potential journey to success.

When you fight life’s uncertainties, life seems to get harder. The things that you hate seem to worsen and remain with you, and you can’t seem to get the things you want. When you fight the rollercoaster of your life, continually complaining about things going wrong, you are bound to have a nightmarish ride, sadly missing out on the greatest of life’s promises and rewards.

The rollercoaster will not change for you; it will keep on going up and down until you get off from it. It is up to you to decide how you are going to manoeuvre it. You can’t change everything that happens to you; but you can definitely change your attitude towards it all. When you DECIDE to enjoy the ride of life, despite how scary it sometimes get, you attract those circumstances that will give you ever-increasing reason to be happy and successful.

A rollercoaster ride is short, so too life per se. All you can do is enjoy every moment of the ride called life, leaving no regrets behind!


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