Is ‘complaining’ one of the favorite pastimes you may find yourself indulging in? Your justification behind most of your complaints could be about not having something. And yet, in reality, you could perhaps be losing sight of the wonderful things that you actually have. When things are taken for granted due to over-familiarity with them, you are prone to get into the habit of complaining.

Think of the numerous blessings you take for granted every day. For example, you wake up in the morning without a second thought for the fact that you are alive; the warm comfy bed you could snuggle in through the night and the security of the roof over you; as you step on the floor, you don’t realize the magic involved in coordination and walking; you turn on the tap with the surety of getting water; you eat your breakfast without even considering the hands behind its preparation. Your day goes on with many more blessings as if they were all your birthrights!

Once a father asked his son, “If someone you knew were to give you a million dollars, and tell you to spend it the way you want, what would be the first thing you would buy?” His son’s response was: “I’d buy a Thank You card!” Developing an attitude of gratitude for every little thing you have and enjoying it is the best way to counter the habit of complaining. Gratitude clears the haze that obscures the gifts surrounding you. “Gratitude is the single most important ingredient to living a successful and fulfilled life,” reminds Jack Caulfield.

To start with, be conscious of every blessing – simple things which have always been in your life but which you tend to take for granted, and gradually start acknowledging and appreciating them. Don’t wait to realize their worth until they are taken away from you. Think of this as a wake-up call! Make gratitude an attitude of your heart and you’ll never regret it!
-Sajith Cyriac


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