There are actually 7 different types of twins. They are: identical, fraternal, half-identical, mirror image twins, mixed chromosome twins, superfecundation, and superfetation. Those other than identical and fraternal can be quite rare.

Identical twins are less common than fraternal because identical twins require the splitting of a single fertilized egg, which is very uncommon. Fraternal twins occur when two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm and implant in the womb at the same time.

Fraternal twinning is genetically predisposed. Identical twinning is random.

Identical twins share the same DNA but do not have the same fingerprints.

Fraternal twin girls have twice the chance of giving birth to twins than singletons.

Twins do not have to have the same father.

Twins often develop their own language. This phenomenon is called idioglossia.

The Yoruba (an ethnic group of southwestern Nigeria) have the highest rate of twinning in the world, at 45–50 twin sets (or 90–100 twins) per 1,000 live births.

According to researches, tall women are more likely to have twins, and also women who eat a lot of dairy are also more likely to have twins.

Twins interact with each other in the womb.


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