- A good reputation is better than a golden girdle.
- You can judge what you make by what others make.
- The fault was committed in the bush, but it is now talked about on the highway.
- Even the devil knows what is right, but he will not do it.
- We do not walk on our legs, but on our will.
- The way you make your bed, that’s how you’ll lie down.
- Hens perched on top will shit on those below.
- It is not at the table but in prison that you learn who your true friends are.
- Equality is difficult, but superiority is painful.
- When the blind man carries the lame man, both go forward.
- The flour tastes bitter to the mouse who has had enough.
- Do not measure the wolf’s tail till he is dead.
- A small house is enough room for a thousand friends.
- Who sits on your shoulders will try to climb on your head.
- He who fears every bush, comes late to the wood.
- The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.
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