When it comes to look for inspiration and guidance, you do have a few role models whom you can think of. But have you ever realized that you are also a model for those around you? What kind of model are you being?

Living by example is the best way to inspire others. M.K. Gandhi rightly said, “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” It is only by becoming the messenger as well as being the message, your role as a model becomes effective.

There is a South Indian legend about a holy man who became known all over India as a famous preacher. He showed kindness to all who came to him. Thousands of pilgrims came to learn from him. Everyone who visited him went back inspired. Yet this great preacher had never in his life been able to utter even one word, for he had been born dumb. The example he set by his actions was the only sermon he could preach.

People prefer to watch what you do more than they listen to what you say. “Action speaks louder than words,” goes an ancient proverb. No matter how convincingly you may try always to speak in an impressive way, yet you can be a failure if your actions do not correspond with your words.

When you live to make a difference in the life of others, your life focuses on intentional living. It is only by being conscious of your purpose in life you can set an example to the people who look up to you.

Be always someone worth imitating!


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