Excellence can be attained if you:
Care more than others think is wise,
Risk more than others think is safe,
Dream more than others think is practical,
Expect more than others think is possible.
A crowd of troubles passed him by
As he with courage waited;
He said, “Where do you troubles fly
When you are thus belated?”
“We go,” they say, “to those who mope,
Who look on life dejected,
Who meekly say ‘good bye’ to hope,
We go where we’re expected.”
— Francis J. Allison
When you feel like frowning, smile,
When you feel like crying, laugh,
When you feel like quitting, start over,
When you feel like yelling, whisper,
When you feel like hating, love,
When you feel like falling, stand,
When you feel like giving up, hold on tighter,
When you feel like dying, live,
When you feel like talking, listen,
When you feel like complaining, appreciate,
When you feel like closing your heart, care,
When you feel like you can’t do it, try,
When you feel like you can’t reach it, believe.
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