1. Keep your energy levels high. Although it is important to leave a reasonable amount of time to study, it is more important to have the energy necessary for optimizing your studies.
2. 50-10 rule. The basis of it is to study 50 minutes of every hour, and keep the last 10 minutes to clear your mind.
3. Organize a calendar. In this calendar you should add not only the time period of each exam, but also try to separate the hours that you wish to dedicate to each subject.
4. Create study guides one week before the final. Prepare your outlines or guides one week prior to the exams so you can just read the organized material and be able to answer the questions quickly and effectively.
5. Study in groups only if it benefits you. Studying in groups can be beneficial, however it only works well if you are concentrated and serious.
6. Relax. Keep your stress levels low. You will do better on the exams if you sleep 7-9 hours a day
7. Do a practice quiz. Ask your parents or your brothers and sisters to quiz you about the material you are studying.
8. Exercise and eat healthy. Exercise and good nutrition can not only help control your stress levels, but it can also maintain your emotions stable.
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