Joel Weldon’s account of Moso Bamboo trees that grow in China and the Far East is a well-spring of inspiration to young minds. After the Moso bamboo tree is planted, even under the ideal conditions, no visible growth takes place for the next five years. Then it begins its rapid growth, almost two feet every day, reaching a full height of about ninety feet within six weeks. Its magic growth is a wonder but real. Its rapid growth is due to the miles of roots it develops during those five years of silent but vibrant activity underground. The deeply grounded roots of the Moso not only sustain the rapid growth of the tree but also hold the mighty tree of ninety feet standing steady.
The hallmark of achievement is a long period of preparation.
Humble Beginnings
The Melrose Suspension Bridge across the Niagara River linking Canada and the United States began as a play, flying kites. The formidable task of constructing a bridge across the Niagara with her ominous current was carried out in an unbelievable way. A kite tied to a strong string was flown across the river. A rope was attached to the string and a steel cable to the rope. This steel cable was used to get the rest of the materials for the bridge.
Great things have humble beginning.
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