My Task
To love someone more dearly ev'ry day, 
To help a wandering child to find his way, 
To ponder o'er a noble thought, and pray,
And smile when evening falls. 
This is my task. 
To follow truth as blind men long for light,
To do my best from dawn of day till night, 
To keep my heart fit for His holy sight, 
And answer when He calls. 
This is my task.

                                       -Maude Louise Ray


Press On!
Press on! Though mists obscure 
The steep and rugged way, 
And clouds of doubt beset, 
Soon dawns the brighter day. 
         Keep on! Though hours seem long 
         And days-fraught with woe, 
         Let patience have her perfect work 
         And vanquish every foe. 
Hope on! Though all is lost 
And storms beat high.
Have faith! Be still and know 
That God is nigh!


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