Romantic movies and novels focus much on showing lovers locked in embrace and star-gazing in each other’s eyes. Unfortunately these physical gestures matter little when it comes to an actual relationship. What really makes for a vibrant relationship is compatibility.
Nowhere does it say that you have to have much in common to fall in love. However, it is important that you find common interests with the other that would help strengthen the bonds of your union. By sharing common interests and doing things together, you are able to truly cherish each other, fulfil your respective needs for companionship and experience a deep relationship.
Firstly, common interests pave the way for starting a relationship because there must be something that attracts and sustains a relationship. If you find a person who shares at least one interest similar to yours, you have something with which to start a conversation that isn’t totally superficial.
Secondly, it is natural that, over the time, you change, and whatever the common interests at the beginning, you might grow out of them or develop new ones. However, if you begin to negotiate and compromise with your partner, you cease to be the person you are, and the basis of a relationship is undermined. On the other hand, you need to work at the changes and ensure that the mutual element remains unchanged, even if the subject of the mutuality changes. The challenge is not only to continually renew the relationship but also to continually renew one’s self. It demands a great deal of sensitivity, respect and commitment.
Start off by looking at the other person’s interests to build up mutuality!
-Sajith Cyriac
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