Step One: Love yourself. People who are in love, love themselves. They are excited about the fact that someone else loves them and they learn to appreciate the things that others love about them. Even if you’re not in love, you can find the things that others love about you and focus on them. You can always figure out the things you love about yourself and spend some time on those things. You can love yourself all the time — even when it’s extremely difficult — and you certainly don’t need anyone else to tell you how awesome you are.

Step Two: Look around you. Those in love are excited by life. Things they’ve seen a million times before seem novel and interesting when they’re showing them to their loved one. But you don’t have to be in love to see the world like someone in love does. You can look around, open your eyes, and see the world from a fresh perspective. Sure, this is a lot easier when you’re showing it to someone else or trying to see it through his/her eyes, but it’s absolutely possible for you to take a new look around and really see what’s happening around you.

Step Three: Smile, smile, smile. When you’re in love, you’re insanely happy — usually to the point that you catch yourself smiling for absolutely no reason. You don’t have to be in love to smile all the time. You don’t have to be in love to be ridiculously happy. All you need to do is make an effort. It’s a simple thing to forget to do, but smiling can make a huge difference in your life. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Smile at the stranger that holds the door for you. Smile when you’re in the car driving and no one else can see you. Smiling is one of those things that can make you feel happier even if you’re not really in the mood to do.

Step Four: Seek out positives. When you’re in love, you look for the good things in the other person. You look for the happiness and joy around you. Even when situations aren’t easy to deal with, you make the most of it when you’re with the one you love. You focus on the good even when it seems damn near impossible to do so. You can do this any time you want. You can choose to focus on what’s positive in your life and in the world, with or without a love story in your life. Love makes the world seem brighter, but you have the ability to turn on that light of positivity any time you want to. 

Step Five: Rise above negativity. If you’re seeking out the positives already, this step should come easily to you. It’s important to be positive, but it’s not always enough just to look for the good in life. Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is going to be a whole lot of negative. When you’re in love, negative things can seem smaller, less significant. Why is that? It’s because you’re rising above them, soaring to a place that’s more positive and, rather than harping on the negatives, you’re dealing with them and moving on. And that’s what you need to do to see the world through the eyes of love. You have to face the negative situations and then you have to rise above them.

                                                                                 — Courtesy:


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