Someone you meet this week will need a word of encouragement.
Will you give it to them?

Someone you meet this week could benefit from your expertise.
Will you give it to them?

Someone you meet this week just needs someone to listen to their story.
Will you be the one?

Someone you meet this week is looking for guidance and wisdom.
Will you give it to them?

Someone you meet this week will need an act of kindness or generosity.
Will you respond to their needs?

Someone you meet this week will need a reason to be optimistic about the future.
Will you be able to provide it?

It may be someone you know well, a complete stranger or even a close family member. It could be a client or a colleague. Who it is doesn’t matter.

YOU can change someone’s world this week. YOU can make their life inestimably better. YOU can throw a rock into someone’s pond that will leave lasting ripples. Be that person.


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