There are no guarantees that your idea will work.

 There are no guarantees that anyone will like it.

 There are no guarantees that you can sustain the work over a long period of time.

 There are no guarantees that you will even like it if you try.

 There are no guarantees that your dreams can become a reality.

 There are no guarantees that you can make a living from your passion.

 There are no guarantees that if you remain positive and work hard for years that you will be successful.

 There are no guarantees that you will live long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labors in the years ahead.

 There’s only one guarantee.

If you don’t try, you’ll never get there.


Broken Down But Not Giving Up

 In order to become the person you’re meant to be, living the amazing life you’re meant to live, sometimes you have to go through hard times. Sometimes you have to be broken down so that you can learn, grow, release and re-calibrate. When times are tough, remind yourself that what is happening to you is happening for a reason.

— Unknown


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