Are you someone who waits for the ‘right’ time to move forward or make something happen? The fact is that there is no ‘right’ time as such! Waiting for the so-called right time only neutralizes your energies and you become prone to undue procrastination. You have to make the right time, and that ‘right’ time is now!

 The past is but a memory, the future a dream – both stored in your mind. The only time you actually have is the present. You can neither change your past nor act in the future. “There is only one time that is important – Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time we have any power,” reminds Leo Tolstoy. Focusing on the present allows everything else to fade away, leaving only you and whatever you’re dealing with right now, and it will let your priorities change over the time. Thus you will find yourself making the most out of what you have right now.

 The correct way to make the ‘right’ time is by starting to act now. Chances are that things won’t be in your favor to act. Perhaps you need to get something out of or into your life. What is important is to seize each coming moment and give it your best effort no matter what. It is then that you will be amazed to find things beginning to fall into place. The more you wait, thinking about something as a remote possibility, the longer will it be before you realize your dreams.

 There is only one right time — the time you are living right now. If, after reading this, you proceed with making the boldest decision you have ever made, this editorial will have been worth the effort!
 Remember: never let the need for things or the time to be right prevent you from acting in the present. Take the famous Nike strap line and make it your own — ‘Just do it’!


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