According to psychologists, what you condemn or despise in others are your own qualities that you don’t want to face, but that you should be working at. Indifference is one such attitude you don’t like in others, while it may be a part of yourself.

 People in general believe that indifference is something natural and normal because it is a neutral attitude. By definition, indifference is apathy, lack of sensitivity and lack of connection to an objective reality. It is abnormal in the sense that being indifferent to a reality is an absurd reaction. Indifference can occur on two levels.

 First, being indifferent to SELF means you don’t care about your existence and life. You know that doing a particular thing or taking an action will bring you lots of benefits, still you find yourself doing nothing. Your doubts, fears, skepticism and loss of hope can lead you to be indifferent. However, indifference to self can be repaired by challenging yourself constantly through positive thoughts, self-affirmation and healthy self-esteem.

 Secondly, being indifferent to OTHERS means you remain cold and cruel towards their feelings and experiences. “The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that’s the essence of inhumanity,” reminds George Bernard Shaw. Even if you are not in a position to help, you can always allow your heart to feel love, kindness and empathy towards others and their experiences. If your empathy moves you to action within your means, even if it involves inconvenience or hardship to you, then you should go for it.

 Indifference is an enemy of personal and social well-being. With an open mind, a sensitive heart and vigilance, you can keep it at bay!

By-Sajith Cyriac


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