- A camel does not tease another camel about his humps.
- Silence is more than just a lack of words.
- Protect the flame of your candle and it will light more.
- The trees with most leaves will not necessarily produce juicy fruit.
- Pass by your enemy hungry but never naked.
- There is no better mirror than the face of an old friend.
- Because we focused on the snake, we missed the scorpion.
- Yesterday’s drunkenness will not quench today’s thirst.
- If you put a rope around your neck, many people will be glad to drag you by it.
- For the benefit of the flowers, we water the thorns, too.
- They couldn’t beat the donkey so they beat the saddle.
- In the house of a blacksmith the ornaments are made of wood.
- If you return an ass’ kick, most of the pain is yours.
- Seven sons of one mother, and each one of a different mind.
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