1. Whose life am I going to brighten today?

The sooner you make others your priority in life, the sooner you will be liberated from the restrictions of selfishness.

2. What three things am I most grateful for today?

If you begin your day in the mindset of gratitude, you will continue to see the positives as the day unfolds before you.

3. What memories am I going to create today?

If you create a good memory today, you can already start enjoying it tomorrow, and so can those who share the memory with you.

4. What challenge am I going to overcome today?

Everyone has challenges all throughout life. How you deal with them is the important part.

5. What value am I going to create today?

It’s up to you whether or not you bring value to your life and those around you today.

6. How much joy can I create for others and myself today?

Joy is contagious. Start with a simple smile, and share it with everyone you meet today.

7. What life-changing decision(s) am I going to make today?

The present moment is the only moment you totally control. What will you do with it today?

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