Following are the ten questions that parents should answer correctly if they want their children to have confidence in them:

1. Are you babying the child rather than encouraging him to do things for himself?

2. Are you making his life tense rather than relaxed?

3. Are you giving out more disapproval than praise?

4. Are you pushing the child beyond his abilities rather than realizing his limitations?

5. Are you aloof rather than friendly with the child?

6. Are you riding the child on his weaknesses rather than trying to improve them?

7. Are you holding up a superior child as an example rather than comparing the child to someone nearer his own abilities?

8. Are you setting an “I can’t” example rather than exhibiting self-sufficiency yourself?

9. Are you overly protecting the child rather than teaching him responsibility?

10. Are you letting the child withdraw from situations he should be made to face?


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