The heart knows how to find what is precious and best for you. So cultivate these attitudes in life:
1. A heart pure: a pure heart is honest, the beginning of your wisdom. Honesty may benefit a man, but dishonesty changes all his blood to gall.
2. A heart light: it is a sense of humour that makes everything tolerable. It reduces people and problems to their proper proportions, setting them in the right perspectives.
3. A heart free: freedom is proposed by all cultures of all times. The heart in chains withers. Only a virtuous man is really capable of freedom.
4. A heart peace-loving: all people are peace lovers, but few are peace makers. Peace is the ability to cope with the conflicts of life.
5. A heart grateful: gratitude should be your favourite attitude. You receive a great deal more than you give, and it is only with an abundance of gratitude that life becomes rich. Express gratitude generously, receive it humbly, expect it rarely, if ever.
6. A heart warm: the warmth of the heart is what adds colour to life. Generosity is the thermometer of your selflessness. A small act of generosity will do if your heart is big enough.
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