Be flexible. The trees that bend a little to the harmless breeze will later grow to withstand the wild wind. Similarly, if we maintain a degree of flexibility in our viewpoints we will not be broken in any storm of criticism or opposition.
Value the little things. Leaves, though they can be small, are vital to the life of a tree. Similarly, expressions of encouragement and appreciation, in any form can go a long way to build the spirits of the receiver.
Do not be intimidated by small beginnings. Mighty oaks do indeed grow from little acorns. Efforts, when enriched with strong motivation and determination, will grow to fruition.
Do not be afraid of change. An acorn is unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree. Invigorate your life by letting go of the past and pressing forward to something new.
Practise teamwork. In forests, individual trees support one another. By interlocking their roots with other trees around them, they are able to stand as a grove against any wind. Do we support each other?
Develop a value-system. Trees have extensive root systems. Some trees, such as mesquites, grow taproots that are often larger than the trunk and that can extend down into the ground hundreds of feet to reach vital sources of water. How extensive is your root system? Is it solidly embedded in principles and values?
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