YouTube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, who were all early employees of PayPal.
The domain’s birthday is on valentine’s day 2005.
70% of YouTube users are American. 50% of users are 20 years old or younger. 20% of the videos are categorized as music.
The average visitor spends about 15 minutes everyday on YouTube.
Jawed Karim was the first to post a video on YouTube. It was entitled “me at zoo” and was viewed 3.24 million times.
Every week YouTubers produce enough materials for 60,000 full length movies.
YouTube is currently banned in China, Iran, Libya, Tunisia, Turkey and Turkmenistan.
Lady Gaga’s bad romance is the most popular video on YouTube. It has been viewed 250 million times.
Five famous people with official YouTube channels are 1) Michael Jackson, 2) Arnold Shwarzenegger, 3) Oprah Winfrey, 4) Barack Obama, and 5) Pop Benedict XVI.
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